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In most cases, people learn to be managers through on-the-job experience.  Unfortunately, this is not the ideal way to develop managerial skills because it is both time consuming and unsystematic.  The best way to learn is by first studying the subject and then applying the knowledge and skill on the job.   Managers and supervisors require the right attitude of mind and adequate knowledge of management theories, techniques, tools and the ability to apply these in dealing with real life situations.


For those with little or no formal management training, the “Introduction to Management” and the “Managerial Leadership Skills Development” courses will present the main ideas, concepts and principles in management. 


The following three new courses have been introduced to assist in enhancing the effectiveness of the managers::

·        Report writing and presentation skills;

·        Labour-management relationship; and

·        Effective time and stress management.


In all cases, participants on the General Management courses will be offered ample opportunity, through series of relevant exercises, to improve on their managerial performance.


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Click on the courses below for details

Administrative Management Skills

Conflict Handling and Negotiation

Corporate Strategic Planning

Human Relations and Communication

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Management

Labour Management          

Managerial Leadership Skills Development

Managing Attitudinal Change for Improved Productivity

Managing Life after Formal Employment

Office Management and Administration

Performance Management

Practice of Supervision

Report Writing and Presentation Skills

Senior Executive Development

Time and Stress Management

Training the Trainer







Organisations are established to achieve specific goals and objectives in line with their strategic plans.  These goals and objectives are achieved through effective and efficient managers who are developed from the early stages of their career.  Therefore newly appointed managers must be given the necessary management training to enable them acquire management values, ethics, attitudes and skills, understand and apply management principles and techniques in carrying out their day-to-day activities and responsibilities. The “Introduction to Management” course is designed to lay a firm foundation for managers.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

     ­Identify the skills needed in modern management practices and when and how to apply them.




§                    Functional Management

o       Human Resource Management

o       Financial Management

o       Production/Operation Management

o       Marketing Management  

§                    Performance Management;

§                    Managerial Skills for Handling Common Staff Problems;

o       Grievance Handling

o       Discipline and Counseling;

o       Problem Solving and Decision Making;

§                    Effective Communication;

§                    Human Relations Skills;

§                    Leadership Skills;

§                    Motivation;

§                    Change Management.

§                    Productivity improvement.




Newly appointed Managers, Manager-Trainees and Managers who have not been exposed to Managerial Training.



Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Role Play, Exercises, Syndicate Work, and Film Shows.



DURATION:     2 WEEKS           PERIOD:        MAR 31 - APR 11

                                                        JUL   07 - JUL 18

                                                        OCT 13 - OCT 24


VENUE:   ACCRA                                   FEE:                ¢700.00


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The Practice of Supervision course is designed to help supervisors achieve expected results and emphasizes on productivity for organisational growth and expansion through the development of relevant skills and other approaches directly related to productivity.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

§        State the functions and  responsibilities of the supervisor;

§        Enumerate the types of skills necessary to perform the job of a supervisor;

§        Demonstrate the specific skills necessary to effectively supervise the individual;

§        State the role of the supervisor in improving productivity.



§        Purpose of Supervision;

§        Supervisory Responsibilities;

o       Organising and Delegating

o       Supervisory Planning

o       Supervisory Control

§        Conflict Handling;

§        Effective Communication and Report Writing Skills;

§        Problem Solving and Decision-making;

§        Supervising the Individual;

o       Job and Task Analysis

o       Defining Key Result Areas and Setting Performance Targets        

o       Orientation of the New Employee

o       On-The-Job Training Technique

o       Motivation

o       Appraisal of Employee Performance

o       Discipline and Counseling

§        Leadership Skills


§        Human Relations/Interpersonal Skills;


§        Supervisor’s Environment and Productivity

o       Safety and Accident Prevention

o       Total Quality Management (TQM) and Productivity Improvement

o       Time management

o       Stress management



Works Superintendents, Supervisors, Foremen and Sectional Heads in Industry, Commerce, Civil Service, Public Boards and Parastatals.



Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Demonstrations, Film Shows, and Exercises.


DURATION:  2 WEEKS             PERIOD:        APR 14   - APR 25

                                                                        AUG 04 - AUG 15

                                                                        OCT 27 - NOV 07


VENUE:  ACCRA                               FEE:         ¢700.00

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The effectiveness of Office Managers depends largely on the attitude, values, ethics, skills and behaviour of their subordinates.  There have been instances in which subordinates have, by their actions, created serious problems for the entire  organisation.  This makes it absolutely necessary for these subordinates to have the right attitude to the job, and to have special dispositions towards the objectives of the organization and to be able to train others for them to do their jobs efficiently, safely, economically and intelligently.


It is for this reason that the Office Management and Administration course is being offered.




   At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

          Demonstrate improved sense of responsibility by re-examining the strategic importance of their positions for administrative efficiency within their organisations;


       Discuss techniques for the effective and efficient management of office resources.


       Analyse situations and problems to determine appropriate actions required under pressure from external influences and hierarchical authority;


       Demonstrate improved skills of Communication and Documentation; and


       Plan their general workflow and daily activities effectively.




§              Nature of Business Organisation;

§              Effective Communication;

§              Telephone skills;

§              Managing meetings

§              Features of Office Correspondence

§              Report writing

o       Minutes writing

o       Memos

o       Technical report

§              Customer Care and Service;

§              Time management;

§              Managing Your Boss;

§              Self-motivation and Career Development;

§              Records Management;

§              Office Productivity improvement;

o       Office Work Simplification

o       Managing Office Resources

§              Data management


§              Stress Management





Sectional Heads, Office Managers, Secretaries and Executive Assistants.




Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Demonstrations, Exercises, Role Play, Film Shows and Syndicate Work.



DURATION:     2 WEEKS          PERIOD: APR 07 - APR 18

                                                                JUN 09 - JUN 20

                                                                SEP 01 - SEP 12

                                                                NOV  03 - NOV 14


VENUE:  ACCRA                               FEE:         ¢700


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Human Resource is the lifeblood of any organization. The employment and retention of employees are crucial to the achievement of the objectives of the organization, as well as its stability in terms of an effective work climate. Effective utilization of this human resource is dependent upon good management.


This course is designed to help newly appointed Human Resource/  Managers/Officers to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to  plan, screen, interview, test, perform background checks, interviews in selecting prospective employees to shape attitudes and to cope with their diverse management responsibilities and duties.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

       Describe the legal environment of Human Resource Management;

§                    Explain the concepts of Job Analysis and Human Resource planning;

       Discuss recruitment and selection processes of prospective employees;

       Discuss methods of Performance Appraisal;

       Discuss employee compensation;

       Describe how a Union is formed and how a labour contract is negotiated and administered.



§        Business Organization, Nature and Purpose;

§        Process of Management;

§        Principles of Human Resource Management;

§        Human Resource Functions:


o       Human Resource Planning

o       Employment

o       Training and Development

o       Employee Welfare and Safety

o       Employee Compensation

§        Performance Appraisal;

§        Career Management

o       Career Development

o       Management Succession Plan

§        Industrial Relations;   

§        Labour-Management Relations

o       Role of Unions

o       Collective Bargaining

o       Grievance Handling

o       Conflict Handling

o       Productivity improvement




Human Resource Managers / Officers, Trade Union Officers, Training Managers/Officers who have not been exposed to human resource management training and practices and Owner-Managers.



Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Role Play, Exercises, and Syndicate work.


DURATION:  2 WEEKS             PERIOD: MAY 05 - MAY 16

                                                                SEPT 22 - OCT 03


VENUE:  ACCRA                                   FEE:         ¢700.00


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Nearly all  jobs that we perform require social contact with people.  Thus, through human relations, people at work are united and motivated to cooperatively and productively achieve the organizations’ goals and objectives.  Effective human relations require six essential skills:  Communication; Decision- Making; Time Management; Leadership; Motivation and Morale; and Employee Counseling and Discipline.


Of the essential skills in Human Relations, communication is the least understood. Workers fulfill their roles and responsibilities by understanding the communication processes and their implications therein.


This Human Relations and Communication course is designed to improve  interpersonal relationship skills of participants.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

§        ­Discuss the basis of Human Relationships;

o       Describe conditions that prevail in various types of relationships;

§        Identify the characteristics of an effective work group;

§        Describe and suggest ways of managing problems interfering with productive human relations;

§        Communicate effectively and influence employees in the organization for the attainment of the goals and objectives.



§  ­Principles and Basis of Human Relationship;

o       Personal Needs (Met Needs/Unmet Needs)

o       Self Perception and Perception of others.

§  Groups and Group Behaviour;

o       Group Functions and Group Behaviour

o       Authority, Power and Influence

o       Developing effective work groups / Team Building

§  ­Essential Skills for Managing Human Relations;

o       Leadership

o       Time Management

o       Discipline and Counseling            

o       Problem Solving and Decision-Making

o       Motivation

o       Grievance Handling

o       Conflict Management


§  ­Effective Communication;

o       Managing Meetings

o       Information dissemination

o       Presentation Skills.

§  Productivity Improvement

§  Managing Your Boss




Departmental and Sectional Heads and Managers.




Lectures, Discussions, Film Shows, Role Play, Case Studies and Exercises.


DURATION:  2 WEEKS              PERIOD:JUN 02 – JUN 13

                                                        SEP 08 - SEP 19


VENUE:   ACCRA                                   FEE:        ¢700.00


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Administration is the foundation that guides the process of carrying out activities in conformity with laid down policies, procedures, rules and regulations in an organisation. That is knowledge about the organization and how it works – the planning, organizing and controlling functions of management. It is, therefore, necessary for newly employed Managers, Supervisors and Administrators to be equipped with the requisite administrative skills through this “one-stop-shop” course on Administrative Management Skills.




   At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

       Describe in precise terms policies, procedures, rules and regulations involved in business operations and administration.



§        ­Nature and Scope Of Administrative Management

§        Features ­of Business Correspondence

o       Attention

o       Re:

o       Signing for

o       Minuting correspondence

o       Distribution/Copy to

§        ­Effective Communication

o       Public Speaking

o       Report Writing

o       Managing Meetings.

§                                Administrative Support Services

o       Organising  Conferences

o       Organising Traveling Arrangements

o       Arranging  Accommodation

o       Arranging  Catering Services

§        Data Base Management

o       Introduction to MS Access

§        Human Resource Administration

o       Policies, Procedures, Practices, Rules and Regulations

Ø     Employment

Ø     Human Resource Planning

Ø     Labour Relations and Welfare

Ø     Training and Development

Ø     Compensation

§        Management of Business Assets



§        Financial Administration

o       Policies, Procedures, Rules & Regulations

Ø     Receipts and Payments

Ø     Office funds

§              Human Relations

§              Productivity improvement



   Office Managers, Owner-Managers, Administrative Managers/Officers, Heads of departments in organisations, Personal/Executive Assistants.




   Discussions, Experience Sharing, Exercises, Lectures, Case Studies.



DURATION:    2  WEEKS           PERIOD:JUL 16 - JUL 27

                                                        OCT 06 - OCT 17                                                       

VENUE:           ACCRA       FEE:        ¢700.00



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Poor time management leads to stress. Time and Stress Management course is designed to help all categories of staff to improve their performance and to keep themselves in good health.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:


§        Identify stress drivers and time wasters

§        Analyse different types of stress

§        Discuss techniques for eliminating time wasters



        The concept of time management

§        Setting goals, objectives and priorities;

§        Sources of stress

§        Effects of stress on performance and productivity



All categories of employees and employers.



Lectures, Discussions, Case Studies,  Film Shows, and Exercises.


DURATION:  2 DAYS                PERIOD:JUN 23 – JUN 24


VENUE:  ACCRA                            FEE:        ¢145.00








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Conflicts occur in every aspect of life, organisations inclusive.  Differences in interests, understanding, values, styles, and opinions are all common causes of interpersonal conflicts in organisations.  Those in leadership positions need to effectively identify and manage the positive and negative aspects of conflict.  Negotiations therefore communicate the processes to enable disputing parties to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.




At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

§  ­    Identify potential sources and types of conflict at work places;

§  ­    Determine the conflict management techniques suitable for resolving a given conflict;

§  ­    Identify stages in the negotiation process;    and

§  ­    Demonstrate the use of negotiation as a tool for resolving conflicts.                           



§                                                  ­Conflicts: Definition and types;

§  ­                Uses of Conflicts;

§                                                  ­Methods for Dealing With Conflicts;

§                                                  ­Understanding the Negotiation Process;

§                                                  ­Conducting Negotiations.

§                                                  ­Communication: Presentation Skills/Public Speaking.

§                                                  Productivity improvement



Human Resource Practitioners, Managers/Officers, Union Officers and Supervisors.



Lectures, Discussions, Role Play, and Exercises.


DURATION: 1 WEEK                PERIOD: APR 21 – APR 25


VENUE:  ACCRA                                   FEE:         ¢360.00


More General Management Courses